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  • Operations FAQ

    Part 5 - Training and Quartermaster

    New recruits - Training Program

    Approved Applicant is invited into the Recruitment Training Facility

  • Housing provided by Support unit (small generic house with windows)
  • Residence is a requirement (any other buildings owned must not be within city limits)
  • Recruit issued ISOC Cadet/Recruit uniform
  • All recruits are under the direct command of the Training Officer and assigned a squad - Recruit Training Squad [RTS] for recuits in training
  • Training Officer will prepare the Recruit for their life in ISOC

  • Assigned regimen for each recruit (based on standard program with individual flexibility)
  • SOP Review & Familiarization
  • Leveling exercises (as appropriate)
  • Leadership & operational observation (including attitude, enthusiasm, etc)
  • Demonstration of combat readiness
  • Level of activity will be observed
  • Minimum CL must be 50 after 30 days for all recruits; plus Master Pilot for Navy recruits
  • Any outstanding violations are witnessed in this phase, the recruit can be removed by Adjutant, Navy CO, Army CO or TRO. An explanation for this action will be submitted immediately to the Chief of Staff.

    After 30 days the recruit will either pass or will get kicked !

    If the recruit is still below CL90, they will be moved into the Enlisted Training Squad (ETS)

    Newly Enlisted personal

    For confirmed recruits who achieve at least CL50 residence moved to Wrixwood Imperia to accelerate integration. Members in the Enlisted Training Squad (ETS) will receive an individual Training Plan created with constant monitoring, "buddy" support and direct TRO support to master profession within 30-45 days.

    For confirmed recruits who achieve CL90 residence moved to Wrixwood Imperia a new rank within the final Unit is given (sergeant or Petty Officer) and the Training Plan created by TRO will be handed over to the new PC/SL or SC/FL. The new ISOC member will be issued a standard ISOC Uniform.

    Enlisted Ranks for personal in Training

    E1 Recruit/ Private (PVT)*
    Rank Requirements: CL 5 - 50
    Position: Squad Member (in Training)
    Troopers below CL 50 are still in Training and considered Privates. To advance in rank new members are exacted to participate in Guild activity and reach at least CL 50.

    E3 Lance Corporal (LCPL)*
    Rank Requirements: CL 51 - 74
    Position: Squad Member (in Training)
    Lance Corporal is a rank only given to Ground Forces members who are still in training and reached a combat level between CL 51 and CL 75. To advance from LCPL members must hit CL 75 and continue to participate in Guild activities and training

    E4 Corporal (CPL)*
    Rank Requirements: CL 75 - 89
    Position: Squad Member (in Training)
    This is an advanced Training rank for active Ground Forces members who have completed their basic training and have a combat level between CL 75 and 89. To advance from this rank members must reach CL 90, participate on guild activities and help other ground forces members in their missions and quest (PVE) and/or support the Imperial Special Forces in combat (PVP).

    Quartermaster TBA

  • The Imperial Special Operations Command (ISOC) is based on the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies released by Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts.
    The home Server of our members is Starsider (2009-2011) (from 2003-2008 Wanderhome).
    Site owned by Ehrich Darby, maintained and updated by Marcus Wulfman and Torlina Ran'hory