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  • Operations FAQ

    Part 1 - General Information

    ISOC Divisions:

    The Imperial Special Operations Command has three divisions and new members will be assigned in one of the three divisions according to their preferences:

    Ground Company Operations:
    All Ground Combat class characters can choose this division no matter if they prefer PVE or PVP style game play. The character must be a loyal Imperial in good standing. ISOC Ground Ops personal is expected to wear Imperial gear when on duty.

    Navy Pilot Wing Operations:
    Any Imperial pilot can choose to join the Navy operations regardless of their Ground Profession if flying is their main focus. The Navy will also accept Freelance pilots as Transport pilots, Mining Operations or heavy combat support, however, the Freelance pilot must be an Imperial in good standing and all freelance pilots will be limited to enlisted and NCO ranks (no Navy Officer career).

    Quartermaster Support Unit:
    Traders and Entertainers who focus on supporting the Space and Ground Division with their work enlist in the Support Unit under the Quartermaster. All members of the Support Unit must be loyal Imperials in good standing even if they stay as civilian workers.

    Participation in activities:
    Once assigned to a division one can still participate in activities of other divisions, but will not be part of the command chain. I.e. in Space Operations the chain of command is considering Navy Pilot Wing members by rank above ground ops members and vice versa for Ground Operations.

    NCO or Civilians Transferring from one division to another:
    When the focus of the activities changes one can also apply to transfer from one division to another. For this transfer one needs the approval of both Commanders (the CO of the Unit one is leaving and the CO of the Unit one wants to join). In case that only one CO agrees and the other does not the Chief of Staff will decide about the transfer request. When transferring from one division to another the former rank will be converted into an equivalent rank of the new division, if the requirements for that rank are met. Civilians (who have been in active service for over 1 month) transferring into a combat division will start at E4 level (i.e. Corporal in Ground Forces). Typically request are granted, but multiple transfer request in a short time frame may be denied or will be approved but with a lower rank.

    Joining the Imperial Special Operations Command

    In order to join the Imperial Special Operations Command one must first fill out the pre screening survey and send it to the ISOC Recruiter. After reviewing the answers with a Commissioned Officer of the Command Staff the Recruiter will invite the to the ISOC boot camp where the Training Officer and his Stafff will prepare the new recruit for an Interview where several ISOC members and at least one Commissioned Officer will be present. When the Recruit passes the interview and fulfils all other Training requirements he is considered fit for serving in the Imperial Special Operations Command.

    Once accepted as a full enlisted member of the Imperial Special operations Command by a Commissioned Officer former Recruit needs to choose a division and will receive a rank according to his skills. Every new member will be placed into service as a Recruit in Training with one month probation.

    As the Empire consolidated several former divisions into the Imperial Special Operations Command former members of Mortis Insurrectum (MI) Tyranny (TRYNY) and the Naboo Imperial Front (NIF) who have served on Wanderhome will not go though the interview and pre-screening process and will be accepted as Recruit with one month probation and placed into the division of their choosing by a Commissioned officer or a Senior Recruiter.

    During the probation time or at the latest after completing the training new members are expected to move into Wrixwood Imperia, where the militia can provide the citizens a new small house if needed.

    Players and Characters

    In the Imperial Special Operations command every Character is treated according to the character history and is not judged by actions a different Character of the same Player (the real person behind the character) does. The only expiations are violations of the Code of Conduct, Espionage, Sabotage or Treason. Also, each Player can only have one senior Commissioned Officer within the Imperial Special Operations Command and only one Commissioned Officer within one Unit (see Part 2 / Commissioned Officers).

    Officer on Deck

    When ever higher ranking commissioned officer enters the room the first to see this officer will shout "Officer on deck" and everyone present will show their respect by saluting the officer. This procedure applies to the Guild Chat as well as any meeting or when seeing a higher ranking officer while on duty. The salute is always directed to the highest ranking officer present.

    Weekly Guild meetings:

    Meetings are held in Wrixwood Imperia ISOC HQ building, weekly, Sunday at 3 pm EST – 8 pm UK – 21:00 CET

    Everyone who is online during a guild meeting is expected to attend the meeting. Additionally every member is expected to attend at least one of the weekly meetings once every month.

    When attending a meeting the dress code is as follows:

    a) Wear the ISOC Standard Dress Uniform
    b) Wear a standard (grey) Imperial Uniform

    Weapons, Hats or Helmets are not permitted during the meeting.

    If you have neither of these available be sure to attend the meeting anyway, take a seat in the back row and contact the Quartermaster to obtain the correct gear before the next meeting.

    Pre Combat Inspection and Group Operations

    Highest ranking member is in charge, no questions asked.

    Conduct a PCI (Pre Combat Inspection)

    1. Should be conducted Via Group Chat
    2. Establish what the Operation is.
    3. Rolls of present Operators.
    4. DOs and DO NOTs.

    Do not rush the situation, remember the 7 Ps:
    Proper Prior Planing Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

    SOP on how to request Guild assistance for future Operations:

    1. Post request for assistance on the ISOC Forums(What>When>Where).
    2. Forward a copy of your request to Merlyn, and she will in turn forward it via Guild Mail.

    In game chat systems and Roleplay

    ISOC stands for Imperial Role play, but instead of acting a scenario ISOC personal is treating other characters according to their role and rank. What does this mean in details?

  • Guild Chat = Like Sergeant Punp on the Holonet it is where ISOC members hang out. All ranking members are addressed with due respect and salutes due, but also other topics make it into this chat.
  • Group Chat = The Group leader decides, but typically on Ops this is stickily mission related and in character
  • Tells = well, that is off the books and typically private
  • Spatial chat shall always be in character and personal will salute a higher ranking officer comming in visible range
  • Voice Chat = Typically not in character, but when used during Ops it shall be following the above rules for type chat
  • All ISOC personal should check the Holonet for further SOPs and internal orders.

    The Imperial Special Operations Command (ISOC) is based on the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies released by Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts.
    The home Server of our members is Starsider (2009-2011) (from 2003-2008 Wanderhome).
    Site owned by Ehrich Darby, maintained and updated by Marcus Wulfman and Torlina Ran'hory