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  • Operations FAQ

    Part 3 - Navy Wing Operations

    Navy Wing Chain of Command

    Tier 1 - Navy Wing Commander
    Tier 2 - Navy Wing XO
    Tier 3 - Squadron Commander
    Tier 4 - Flight Leader
    Tier 5 - Flight Member / Crewmen

    Reporting follows the chain of command. Details are in the Position Descriptions below.

    Navy Wing Position

    Tier 1 - Navy Wing Commander (INW CO)
    Rank: O3, O4 or O5 i.e. Flight Lieutenant , Lt. Commander or Commander (typically a Lt. Commander or Commander)
    The Space Operations Commander is in charge of the ISOC Navy Wing (short INW). He will organize activates for the Pilots and Navy personal, promote the Navy NCO’s and take care of the Flight Group and Squadron assignments. He typically has a Navy Wing XO appointed who reports to him. The Navy Wing CO makes sure the Squadrons and Flights under his command perform efficiently and successfully. The INW CO is answerable to the Chief of Staff and his Adjutant. He also approves and forwards all medal awards and promotion request nominations to the Chief of Staff and Operations from the Squadron Commanders or Flight Leaders. As a member of the High Command the Navy Wing CO is expected to be very active and in full command of the subordinate Squadrons.

    Tier 2 - Navy Wing XO (INW XO)
    Rank: O2, O3 or O4 i.e. Flying Officer, Flight Lieutenant or IN Lt Commander (typically Flight Lieutenant or Lt. Commander)
    The Space Operations XO is the left hand of the Navy Wing Commander and will help in all activates and in the organisation of the Navy Pilots. The INW XO assists the CO with the daily operations of the Wing. He encourages participation among the Pilots and Navy personal and do other tasks that may be assigned to him by the CO such as writing up Sqaudron activity reports. The INW XO also takes command in the event the INW CO is on LOA. He is also part of the High Command of ISOC. The INW XO may also hold a Squadron Commander position in the Navy Wing.

    Tier 3 - Squadron Commander (SC)
    Rank: Flying Officer, Flight Lieutenant or Lt Commander (typically Flight Lieutenant or Lt. Commander)
    A Squadron Commander is put in charge of a ISOC Navy Squadron if required. He reports to the navy Wing Commander and his XO as part of his staff. As the Squadron Commander is a commissioned officer the appointment must be performed and authorised by the Chief of Staff or the 2IC in his absence. A Squadron Commander commands 2-4 Straighter Flight Groups or multiple Transport or Gunship. It is his duty to see that all his pilots and crewmen are active and productive in ISOC activities. He manages the day to day operations of a Squadron; this includes maintaining continuous contact with Flight Leaders and enlisted Navy personal and making all sorts of internal decisions on Flight positions and ships used in activities. The SC also must review battle and mission performance of his personal and make recommendations to the INW CO and XO for Medal awards and/or Rank/Position promotions. It should be noted that the High Command allows SC a great deal of latitude in customizing a Squadron to its own particular talents. However, assigned roles, names and objectives may not be altered. SC may select Banners and Mottoes of their Squadron, reporting directly to the INW CO and XO. The SC is assited by the Flight Leaders. The SC may choose on of the Flight Leaders under his command as his SXO however, he my not appoint any new Flight Leaders.

    Tier 4 - Flight Leader (FL)
    Rank: Flying Officer, Flight Lieutenant
    A Flight Leader is a junior Officer and graduated Pilot of the Navy. He reports to his Squadron Commander or if not appointed directly to the Navy Wing Commander and his XO . He is in charge of a small Flight of 2 - 4 TIE Pilots or a small Vessel with Cadets or NCOs as crew. The Flight Leader should be contacted with problems, questions or comments by his Flight Members. The Flight Leader serves an important role in maintaining communication and order within a particular Flight Group in a Squadron. He maintains contact with his Flight Members and makes recommendations to the Squadron Commander regarding individual Flight Member performance. In addition, the FL is the first person a Flight Member should go with a request or question. As a Flight Leader one must be also a skilled pilot and lead by example. All Flight Leaders will also support the Training Officer in training new pilots and helping them find their way in ISOC in gaining skills and mastering the pilot profession. The FL does not have any authority to promote or demote personal. It may be noted that a Flight Leader is a commissioned officer the appointment is based on the recommendation of the INW CO and XCO but must be performed and authorised by the Chief of Staff or the 2IC in his absence.

    Tier 5 - Flight Member (FM)
    Rank: Officer Cadet, Pilot Officer or Flying Officer
    The Flight Member is a fully skilled Pilot who has either just graduated from teh Imperial Navy academy or is still enlisted as Officer Cadet. The primary duty of a Flight Member is to stay active and informed by familiarizing themselves with ISOC missions or battles. Every Flight Member needs to report their status and any special achievements to the Flight Leader. Flight Members are encouraged to not only follow the call of duty as an active member of the ISOC Navy Wing, but also contact their Flight Leaders with suggestions and ideas. Flight Members will spend the majority of their active duty time as pilot in space.

    Tier 5 - Crewmen / Gunner
    Rank: Petty Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Senior Chief Petty Officer or Master Chief Petty Officer
    A Crewmen is trained Navy personal that has completed the basic training and whoes primary duty is to become a fully trained Flight Member or specialises are key personal on a Navy vessel. Crewmen are to stay active and informed and they need to report their status and any special achievements to the Flight Leader. Crewmen will spend the majority of their active duty time on board of starships in space.

    Navy Unit Sizes

    Enlisted ranks serving on board of Gunship or Transports are considered Crewmen. The size of a crew depends on the vessel type. Most small ships will require a crew of 4, but some Gunship will require a larger crew.

    A Flight is a Starfighter Unit that typically consist of 2 - 4 TIE's. It is under the Command of a Flight Leader and has 1-3 Flight Members.

    A Squadron consist of multiple Flights 2-4 or multiple Transport / Gunships. A Squadron is under the Command of an Officer as Squadron Commander

    A Wing is made up out of multiple Squadrons, typically a mix of Gunships, Transports and Fighter Squadrons or Flights.

    Navy Enlisted and NCO Rank requirements

    E5 Petty Officer (PO)
    Minimal time before next promotion: 2 month
    Pilot Skill: Master Pilot
    Position: Flight Member or Crewmen
    All Petty Officers must be Master Pilots and show dedication in the service for the Empire. To advance from this rank you must not only continue and participate in the Navy activities, but also show skills in leadership or extraordinary combat skills so that your fellow officers see you a an example for the troops. You may also show dedication by learning piloting skills with other ships (re Master the Pilot Profession). During that time you will stay Petty Officer and may be promoted upon earning the next Squadron Badge.

    E6 Chief Petty Officer (CPO)
    Minimal time before next promotion: 2 month
    Position: Flight Member or Crewman
    All Chief Petter Officers show skills as extraordinary Gunners or Pilots. As CPO you can also be nominated as Assistant to an Officer. To advance further you must prove yourself as a leader and help organize events or consider enlisting as Officer Cadet.

    E7 Senior Chief Petty Officer (INSCPO)
    Minimal time before next promotion: 2 month
    Position: Flight Member or Crewmen
    All Senior Chief Petter Officers show skills as extraordinary Gunners or Pilots, but may not make it into the Officer academy as Cadet. As recognition for the continued service as Assistant to an Officer, or for organizing events the Senior title is given.

    E8 Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO)
    Minimal time before next promotion: 3 month
    Position: Flight Member or Crewmen
    Master Chief Petty Officer is a well training Navy NCO who has proven his skills many times. This rank is also often the step into the Officer academy if other important command positions are available. To advance from this rank you have to show dedication to the cause of the Empire for a long time and without any longer leave periods.

    Navy Officer Cadet requirements

    OT1 Officer Cadet (OC1)
    Minimal time before next promotion: 3 month
    Requirement: Graduation from the Officer academy
    Position: Flight Member
    Skilled Pilots who have chosen a career as Imperial Navy Pilots (no Neutral Pilots) and have Mastered at least one Squadron may be invited to join the Imperial Navy academy. During their time at the academy they will have to pass exams for space combat theory, leadership and practical combat situations. Here they are typically flying as Wingmen to a commissioned Navy officer.

    Navy Junior Officer requirements

    O1 Pilot Officer (PLTO)
    Minimal time before next promotion: 3 month
    Position: Flight Member
    Skilled Imperial Navy Pilots who have graduated from the academy will be placed in Service as Flight Members. Junior Officers will help Training cadets or Petty Officers to become better pilots. It is their duty to lead by example.

    O2 Flying Officer (FLO)
    Minimal time before next promotion: 3 month
    Position: Flight Leader or Flight Member
    Imperial Navy Officers who have shown leadership skill as Flight Leaders and helped other Officers to graduate from the academy. To advance from this rank one must continue to show extraordinary dedication, skill and valour as a Pilot and Leader.

    O3 Flight Lieutenant (LT)
    Position: Flight Leader, Squadron XO or CO
    This is the highest rank a Pilot can achieve before joining the High Command as Wing Commander or Navy XO. The amount of Squadron Commander Positions is limited as well in a Special Ops Unit such as ISOC.

    The Imperial Special Operations Command (ISOC) is based on the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies released by Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts.
    The home Server of our members is Starsider (2009-2011) (from 2003-2008 Wanderhome).
    Site owned by Ehrich Darby, maintained and updated by Marcus Wulfman and Torlina Ran'hory