Operations FAQ
Part 2 - Commissioned Officers and Special
Commissioned Officer
The promotion as Officer brings new
responsibilities to lead by example and be loyal to ISOC and the Empire.
Once one character of a player reached a Senior Officer Position his other characters within the same Unit can
not advance above Sergeant Major or in exceptional cases
Chief Warrant Officer. The playwer may also only have one Seniro Comissioned Officer within ISOC
Any officer can promote
NOC in their direct line of Command at a Guild meeting,
but require authorization form their Commanding Officer
and the Chief of Staff by informing them about the
planed promotion beforehand. The request is considered
as granted if the Commanding Officer and Chief of Staff
confirm the request or do not voice any objection within
a week after putting the request before them.
Supreme Command and Staff officers
Commanding Officer / Supreme Commander (CO)
The Supreme Commander of ISOC is Brigadier General Ehrich Darby. He is the owner,
founder overall leader and in charge of all operations of ISOC (on Corellia and Coruscant).
All decisions implemented, mandated and rendered by the Supreme Commander on ANY matter in is
ultimate. The General, when making judgments and decisions will take into account all the
facts presented to him from the parties involved. This includes recommendations from the
High Command or other Commissioned Officers. The Commanding Officers base of operations is
Staff Officers are advisors to the Suprme Commander, their Offices are:
SB 1 Executive Officer
SB 2 Logistics Officer
SB 3 Tsctical Officer
SB 4 Flight Officer
SB 5 Headquarter Officer
Sub Staff Officers are under the Headquarter Officer, with Numbers SB 51, SAB 52 etc.
Command Executive Officer (XO)
Command Executive Officer is SB1 and the highest ranking Staff Officer. Staff Officers
(and Sub Staff Officers) will not be in any direct command authority line to the active
Operations member on Corellia. The XO hold an O6 rank and is answerable only to the Supreme
High Command
The following Officers are part of the High
of Staff and Operations (Guildleader / CSO)
Rank: O5 and O6 (i.e. Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel but Navy ranks possible)
The Chief of Staff is above all Units, answerable only to the Supreme Commander and
holds a higher rank than the division commanders. He continues in ranks based on his former
division meaning that if he held a Ground Forces rank in the past (Major) he will advance
further using the Ground Forces rank system (Lieutenant Colonel) and if he held a Navy rank
before being appointed as Chief of Staff he would continue in the Navy rank system.
Decisions made by the CSO are usually final, unless a formal objection is filed with the
Supreme Commander for review of the circumstances. The CSO must be ready to carry out the
Generals orders at any time, anywhere, without hesitation. The CSO is responsible for
keeping in direct contact with all High Command Officers. He typically appoints either the
Ground Forces Commander or the Space Forces Commander as his Adjutant / 2IC. Only the Chief
of Staff (or his Adjutant in his absence) can appoint new Commissioned Officers and High
Command members. Every new member application must be approved by the CSO. He also
contributes new ideas, issues orders and helps manage long-term projects. The Chief of
Staff base of operations is Wrixwood Imperia on Corellia.
Adjutant Chief of Staff (2IC)
Rank: O4 or O5 (i.e. Major or Lieutenant Colonel but Navy ranks possible)
The Adjutant is appointed by the Chief of Staff and Operations as his 2IC (2nd in Command).
The Adjutant can also make urgent decisions if the Chief of Staff is not available. The
Adjutant can also be either Ground or Navy Forces Commander. Decisions made by the 2IC
are usually final unless a formal objection is filed with Chief of Staff and Operations
for review of the circumstances. The duties of the 2IC are broad and encompassing, as
the Adjutant works closely with the Chief of Staff and Operations in managing the daily
operations and long range plans for the Command. The 2IC must be ready to carry out the
Supreme Commanders or CSO's orders at any time, anywhere, without hesitation.
Ground Operations Company CO (GOC CO)
Rank: O2, O3 or O4 i.e. 1st Lieutenant, Captain or Major (typically a Captain or Major)
The Ground Operations Commander is in charge of the ISOC Ground Operations Company
(short GOC or SOC). He will organize activates for the Ground Forces, promote the Ground
Forces NCO’s and take care of the Squad assignments. He typically has a Ground Forces XO
and Platoon Commanders appointed who report to him. The Ground Operations CO makes sure
the Platoons under his command perform efficiently and successfully. The Ground Ops CO
is answerable to the Chief of Staff and his Adjutant. He also approves and forwards all
medal awards and promotion request nominations to the Chief of Staff and Operations from
the Platoon Commanders or Squad Leaders. As a member of the High Command the GOC CO is
expected to be very active and in full command of the subordinate Platoons.
Space Operations Navy Wing CO (IN CO)
Rank: O3, O4 or O5 i.e. Lieutenant , Lt. Commander or Commander (typically a Lt. Commander or Commander)
The Space Operations Commander is in charge of the ISOC Navy Wing (short INW).
He will organize activates for the Pilots and Navy personal, promote the Navy NCO’s and
take care of the Flight Group and Squadron assignments. He typically has a Navy Wing XO
appointed who reports to him. The Navy Wing CO makes sure the Squadrons and Flights under
his command perform efficiently and successfully. The INW CO is answerable to the Chief of
Staff and his Adjutant. He also approves and forwards all medal awards and promotion
request nominations to the Chief of Staff and Operations from the Squadron Commanders
or Flight Leaders. As a member of the High Command the Navy Wing CO is expected to be
very active and in full command of the subordinate Squadrons.
Ground Operations Company XO (GOC XO)
Rank: O1, O2 or O3 i.e. 2st Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant or Captain (typically 1st Lieutenant or Captain)
The Ground Operations XO is the left hand of the Ground Operations Commander and will
help in all activates and in the organisation of the ISOC Ground Ops Company. The GOC XO
assists the CO with the daily operations of the Company. He encourages participation among
the enlisted personal and do other tasks that may be assigned to him by the CO such as
writing up Platoon activity reports. The GOC XO also takes command in the event the GOC CO
is on LOA. He is also part of the High Command of ISOC. The GOC XO may also hold a Platoon
Commander position in the Ground Ops Company.
Space Operations Navy Wing XO (INW XO)
Rank: O2, O3 or O4 i.e. Flying Officer, Flight Lieutenant or Lt Commander (typically Lieutenant)
The Space Operations XO is the left hand of the Navy Wing Commander and will help in all
activates and in the organisation of the Navy Pilots. The INW XO assists the CO with the
daily operations of the Wing. He encourages participation among the Pilots and Navy personal
and do other tasks that may be assigned to him by the CO such as writing up Sqaudron
activity reports. The INW XO also takes command in the event the INW CO is on LOA. He
is also part of the High Command of ISOC. The INW XO may also hold a Squadron Commander
position in the Navy Wing.
Training Officer (TRO)
Rank: O1, O2 or O3 i.e. 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant or Captain
The Training Officer is trusted with a monumental job: the training of new recruits to
become respected Special Ops personal. The TRO receives all new member applications
approved by the Chief of Staff or the Adjutant Chief of Staff, places the new recruits into
Training Squads, and then trains them to be the best pilots or troops in the Galaxy.
Stationed at the ISOC boot camp facilities, it is the function of the TRO and the TRO
staff to assure that all new recruits complete their training to gain full acceptance
and membership into the ISOC. The Training Officer and his assistants are always
available to ALL recruits to answer questions and aid the trainees in getting acquainted
with the Imperial Special Operations Command SOPs. He will indicate to the Command when a
recruit is ready to take his interview or will remove inactive or unqulified recruits after
no later than 30 days. The Training officer is part of the High Command.
Intelligence Officer (ITO)
Rank: O1, O2 or O3 i.e. 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant or Captain
The Intelligence Officer reports to the High Command and is in charge of covered Operations
and gathering intelligence on other groups. The Intelligence Officer typically uses Army ranks.
With approval from the Chief of Staff the Intel Officer may nominate a Warrant Officer or NCO
above E5 as his Assistant who will help in the Intel operations. The Intelligence Office is not
a division as such and will not have other NCO reporting to the Intel Officer, however,
coordinate the classified agents. The ITO decides what may or may not constitute a threat to
the Empire, which groups or individuals should be targeted for observation, infiltration,
sedition, or destruction and reports all threads to the High Command or the Chief of Staff.
The ITO decides what methods of covert activity to pursue and how best to implement the various
methods. He is responsible for the definition of operations, the destination of agents,
and the general well being of Imperial Intelligence. The ITO is partially responsible for the
induction of new agents into Intel, by placing potential candidates through a battery of
rigorous tests in order to ensure a recruit is absolutely loyal and trustworthy. All
potential new agents must be reported to and approved by the Chief of Staff and his Adjutant.
Quartermaster (QM)
Rank: WO, MWO, CWO, O1 or O2 i.e. Warrant Officer (Master and Chief), 2nd Lieutenant or 1st Lieutenant
The Quartermaster is in charge of the supplies for the Troops. He organises all the civilians,
Traders and Entertainers who support the Ground and Space Operations. The Quartermaster
is typically the only Officer in the Support Unit and holds a Army rank. The Quartermaster
is also part of the High Command.
Commissioned Officers (not part of the High Command):
Platoon Commander (PC)
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant or Captain
A Platoon Commander is put in charge of a Special Ops Platoon if required. He reports to the
Ground Operations Commander and his XO as part of his staff. As the Platoon Commander is a
commissioned officer the appointment must be performed and authorised by the Chief of Staff
or the 2IC in his absence. A Platoon Commander commands 2-6 Squads of NCOs and enlisted
Troopers. It is his duty to see that all his troopers are active and productive in ISOC
activities. He manages the day to day operations of a Platoon; this includes maintaining
continuous contact with squad Leaders and enlisted members and making all sorts of internal
decisions on Squad positions. The PC also must review battle and mission performance of his
personal and make recommendations to the GOC CO and XO for Medal awards and/or Rank/Position
promotions. It should be noted that the High Command allows PC a great deal of latitude in
customizing a Platoon to its own particular talents. However, assigned roles, names and
objectives may not be altered. PC may select Banners and Mottoes of their Platoon, reporting
directly to the GOC CO and XO. The PC is assisted by the Platoon Sergeant and the Squad Leaders.
The PC may choose on of the Squad Leaders as his Platoon Sergeant however, it is up to
the GOC CO and XO to appoint and promote squad Leaders.
Squadron Commander (SC)
Rank: Flying Officer, Flight Lieutenant or Lt Commander
A Squadron Commander is put in charge of a ISOC Navy Squadron if required. He
reports to the navy Wing Commander and his XO as part of his staff. As the Squadron Commander
is a commissioned officer the appointment must be performed and authorised by the Chief of
Staff or the 2IC in his absence. A Squadron Commander commands 2-4 Straighter Flight Groups or
multiple Transport or Gunship. It is his duty to see that all his pilots and crewmen are
active and productive in ISOC activities. He manages the day to day operations of a Squadron;
this includes maintaining continuous contact with Flight Leaders and enlisted Navy personal
and making all sorts of internal decisions on Flight positions and ships used in activities.
The SC also must review battle and mission performance of his personal and make recommendations
to the INW CO and XO for Medal awards and/or Rank/Position promotions. It should be noted
that the High Command allows SC a great deal of latitude in customizing a Squadron to its own
particular talents. However, assigned roles, names and objectives may not be altered. SC may
select Banners and Mottoes of their Squadron, reporting directly to the INW CO and XO.
The SC is assited by the Flight Leaders. The SC may choose on of the Flight Leaders under
his command as his SXO however, he my not appoint any new Flight Leaders.
Flight Leader (FL)
Rank: Flying Officer or Flight Lieutenant
A Flight Leader is a junior Officer and graduated Pilot of the Navy. He reports to his
Squadron Commander or if not appointed directly to the Navy Wing Commander and his XO .
He is in charge of a small Flight of 2 - 4 TIE Pilots or a small Vessel with Cadets or
NCOs as crew. The Flight Leader should be contacted with problems, questions or comments
by his Flight Members. The Flight Leader serves an important role in maintaining communication
and order within a particular Flight Group in a Squadron. He maintains contact with his
Flight Members and makes recommendations to the Squadron Commander regarding individual
Flight Member performance. In addition, the FL is the first person a Flight Member should
go with a request or question. As a Flight Leader one must be also a skilled pilot and lead
by example. All Flight Leaders will also support the Training Officer in training new pilots
and helping them find their way in ISOC in gaining skills and mastering the pilot profession.
The FL does not have any authority to promote or demote personal. It may be noted that a
Flight Leader is a commissioned officer the appointment is based on the recommendation of
the INW CO and XCO but must be performed and authorised by the Chief of Staff or the 2IC
in his absence.
Warrants, Assistant NCO and Civilian special
Assistant (to an Officer / Office) A:xx
E6 to E8 (i.e. Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Class or Master Sergeant or equivalent Navy ranks if appropriate)
Some Officers may, if approved by the Chief of Staff, also have assistants. The Assistant
must be an active and outstanding member, with abilities suited to the task and specific to
that High Command Office. The duties of the Assistant are respective to the High Command
Office they represent and assist that High Command Officer with daily tasks, operations,
projects and reports. The Assistants may be assigned specific duties by their High Command
Officer. Assistants are an integral part of the High Command Office staff, since they allow
their High Command Officer to focus on their primary duties. Unless warranted (Warrant
Officer or above) all NCO ranked assistants keep their original unit assignment. Example:
The Assistant to the Training Officer (A:TRO) will help in the training of new recruiter,
but at the same time stay with at their respective NCO assignment in the Ground Ops or Navy.
It is not possible for a Commissioned Officer to be also an Assistant. In case of the
Training Office, Quartermaster the Intel office an Assistant may hold the report for a
High Command Officer if he can not be present at a meeting. For other units this task will
pass along the chain of command.
Recruiter / Interrogator
E6 to E9 (i.e. Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Class, Master Sergeant, Sergent Major or equivalent Navy ranks)
The Recruiter is in charge of finding new members for the Imperial Special Operations
Command, follow up on the pre screening and submitting all returned pre screen forms to the
Chief of Staff and his Adjutant; The recruiter may also invite approved applicants into ISOC
and refers the Recruit to the Training officers for further education. The Recruiters also
double as Interrogators at the Interview performed when an recruit appeared ready to be
accepted as full member. At these Interviews at least one Officer must be present as well.
To be chosen as a Recruiter one must be an officer in good standing in the Ground or Space
Forces. Typically, just like an Assistant, the Recruiter also keeps the NCO assignment in
the division. It is not possible for a Commissioned Officer to be also a Recruiter or
Interrogator. In his function as Recruiter and Interrogator the NCO will report to the
Chief of Staff directly, however, this does not affect the Chain of Command for his Unit duties.
Staff Assistant
The staff assistant will take notes at meetings and will ensure that all communication about
promotions, changes and assignments are relayed to all ISOC members via email and forums. The
position does not hold any rank requirements and is typically performed by a civilian.