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  • Join Us

    ISOC is active on Starsider Galaxie in Star Wars Galaxie, the MMORPG of Lucas Arts and SOE Online Entertainment. If you are interested in this game or if you are already playing you can take part in our activities.

    Recruiting is a serious business in the Imperial Special Operations Command. As an applicant you will be screened and evaluated over a designated period of time to determine your viability as a combat soldier in a Special Ops group.

    Once evaluation is complete, a decision is rendered by the Command and you are assigned accordingly as a low rank enlisted soldier.

    The evaluation begins with a pre screen form that you are to return to the ISOC officer who send it to you. If your pre screen is approved you are invited into the ISOC boot camp and will report to the ISOC Training Officer and the Assailants to this Office. They will instruct and evaluate you, your activity, conduct and progress.

    As the Empire consolidated several former divisions into the Imperial Special Operations Command former members of Mortis Insurrectum (MI) Tyranny (TRYNY) and the Naboo Imperial Front (NIF) who have served on Wanderhome will not go though the interview and pre-screening process and will be accepted as Recruit with one month probation and placed into the division of their choosing by a Commissioned officer or a Senior Recruiter.

    During the probation time or at the latest after completing the training new members are expected to move into one of ISOC base cities, where the mayor can provide the citizens a new small house if needed.

    If you are interested please contact any of the ISOC officers in game (Star was Galaxie, Starsider Server). You may also contact any of the Joint Chief of Staff Officers listed here.

    Long live the Empire !

    Colonel Wulfman, Chief of Staff and Operations

    LT Anathea LightningMist, Training Officer

    The Imperial Special Operations Command (ISOC) is based on the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies released by Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts.
    The home Server of our members is Starsider (2009-2011) (from 2003-2008 Wanderhome).
    Site owned by Ehrich Darby, maintained and updated by Marcus Wulfman and Torlina Ran'hory