Operations FAQ
Part 3 - Ground Operations Company
Ground Ops Company Chain of Command
Tier 1 - Ground Operations CO
Tier 2 - Ground Operations XO
Tier 3 - Platoon Commander
Tier 3a - Platoon Sergeant (Platoon XO)
Tier 4 - Squad Leader
Tier 4a - Assistant Squad Leader
Tier 5 - Squad Member
Reporting follows the chain of command. Details are in the Position Descriptions below.
Ground Ops Company Positions
Tier 1 - Ground Operations Company CO (GOC CO)
Rank: O2, O3 or O4 i.e. 1st Lieutenant, Captain or Major (typically a Captain or Major)
The Ground Operations Commander is in charge of the ISOC Ground Operations Company
(short GOC or SOC). He will organize activates for the Ground Forces, promote the Ground
Forces NCO’s and take care of the Squad assignments. He typically has a Ground Forces XO
and Platoon Commanders appointed who report to him. The Ground Operations CO makes sure
the Platoons under his command perform efficiently and successfully. The Ground Ops CO
is answerable to the Chief of Staff and his Adjutant. He also approves and forwards all
medal awards and promotion request nominations to the Chief of Staff and Operations from
the Platoon Commanders or Squad Leaders. As a member of the High Command the GOC CO is
expected to be very active and in full command of the subordinate Platoons.
Tier 2 - Ground Operations Company XO (GOC XO)
Rank: O1, O2 or O3 i.e. 2st Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant or Captain (typically 1st Lieutenant or Captain)
The Ground Operations XO is the left hand of the Ground Operations Commander and will
help in all activates and in the organisation of the ISOC Ground Ops Company. The GOC XO
assists the CO with the daily operations of the Company. He encourages participation among
the enlisted personal and do other tasks that may be assigned to him by the CO such as
writing up Platoon activity reports. The GOC XO also takes command in the event the GOC CO
is on LOA. He is also part of the High Command of ISOC. The GOC XO may also hold a Platoon
Commander position in the Ground Ops Company.
Tier 3 - Platoon Commander (PC)
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant or Captain
A Platoon Commander is put in charge of a Special Ops Platoon if required. He reports to the
Ground Operations Commander and his XO as part of his staff. As the Platoon Commander is a
commissioned officer the appointment must be performed and authorised by the Chief of Staff
or the 2IC in his absence. A Platoon Commander commands 2-6 Squads of NCOs and enlisted
Troopers. It is his duty to see that all his troopers are active and productive in ISOC
activities. He manages the day to day operations of a Platoon; this includes maintaining
continuous contact with squad Leaders and enlisted members and making all sorts of internal
decisions on Squad positions. The PC also must review battle and mission performance of his
personal and make recommendations to the GOC CO and XO for Medal awards and/or Rank/Position
promotions. It should be noted that the High Command allows PC a great deal of latitude in
customizing a Platoon to its own particular talents. However, assigned roles, names and
objectives may not be altered. PC may select Banners and Mottoes of their Platoon, reporting
directly to the GOC CO and XO. The PC is assisted by the Platoon Sergeant and the Squad Leaders.
The PC may choose on of the Squad Leaders as his Platoon Sergeant however, it is up to
the GOC CO and XO to appoint and promote squad Leaders.
Tier 3a - Platoon Sergeant (PSG) (Platoon XO)
Rank: Sergeant First Class, Master Sergeant or Sergeant Major (2nd Lieutenant only in case of Platoon XO)
The PSG is the assistant to the Platoon Commander. He attends to duties that the PC may assign
to him. It is his task to encourage participation among all Squad members in teh Platoon. He is
also in charge of Platoon activities when the Platoon Commander is not available. Typically the
Platoon Sergeant also doubles as a Squad Leader of one of the Squads within the Platoon and
as such also has all task, duties, rights and responsibilities of the Squad Leader position.
The Platoon Sergeant is a high ranking NCO, but never an Officer. In the rare case that a
Platoon is lead by a Captain it is possible that a 2nd Lieutenant may be appointed as Platoon XO.
Tier 4 - Squad Leader (SL)
Rank: Sergeant First Class or Master Sergeant
A Squad Leader is a NCO of the Ground Ops Company. He reports to his Platoon Commander and the
Platoon Sergeant if appointed. He is in charge of a Squad of 4-8 Troopers. The Squad Leader
should be contacted with problems, questions or comments by his Squad Members. The Squad
Leader serves an important role in maintaining communication and order within a particular
Squad in a Platoon. He maintains contact with his Squad Members and makes recommendations
to the Platoon Commander regarding individual Squad Member performance. In addition, the
SL is the first person a Squad Member should go with a request or question. As a Squad Leader
one must be also a skilled Trooper and lead by example. All Squad Leaders will support the
Training Officer to help new recruits in learning their profession and skills required to
become a fully trained ISOC Trooper. The SL does not have any authority to promote or demote
personal. It may be noted that a Squad Leader is not a commissioned officer but an NCO. The
appointment is based on the recommendation of the Platoon Commander but must be performed and
authorised by the Ground Ops CO or the GOC XO in his absence. All Squad Leaders will keep
their PC updated on the activity and forward suggestions and ideas to improve ISOC operations.
Tier 4a - Assistant Squad Leader (ASL)
Rank: Staff Sergeant or Sergeant First Class
An Assistant Squad Leader is a NCO assigned to a Squad Leader. This is typically only the case
if a former Squad Leader returns to active duty or a new Squad Leader is being tested. He
reports to his Squad Leader unless the Squad Leader is not available, as the assistant will
than have full Squad Leader duties until the Squad Leader returns. The Squad Leader and
Assistant Squad Leader should be contacted with problems, questions or comments by his
Squad Members. Smaller squads typically do not have any Assistant Squad Leaders.
Tier 5 - Squad Member (SM)
Rank: Corporal, Sergeant or Staff Sergeant
The Squad Member is a fully trained Sergeant and ground trooper whose primary duty is to
stay active and informed by familiarizing themselves with ISOC missions or battles. Every
Squad Member needs to report their status and any special achievements to the Squad Leader.
Squad Members are encouraged to not only follow the call of duty as an active member of the
ISOC Ground Ops, but also contact their Squad Leaders with suggestions and ideas. Squad
Members will spend the majority of their on duty time on Army duty on the ground.
Ground Ops Unit Size
The typical Squad size is 4-8
members including the Squad Leader. Smaller Squads will
be consolidated and if a squad grows larger it will be
split. Active Special Combat Squads will typically be
4-6 Troopers strong.
A Platoon typically consists of 2 - 6 Squads
A Company typically consists of 2 - 8 Platoons
Ground Forces Enlisted and NCO Rank requirements
Sergeant (SGT) Minimal time before next
promotion: 2 month Position: Squad Member All
Sergeant must be CL 90 and show dedication in the
service for the Empire. To advance from this rank you
must not only continue and participate in the Ground
Forces activities, but also show skills in leadership or
extraordinary combat skills so that your fellow officers
see you a an example for the troops.
E6 Staff Sergeant (SSG)
Minimal time before next promotion: 2 month
Position: Assistant Squad Leader or Squad Member All
Staff Sergeants show skills in leadership or are
extraordinary combatants and special forces members. As
SSG you can also be nominated as Assistant Squad Leader by the
current Squad leader. To advance further you must prove
yourself as a leader and help organize events and
activities within the Ground Forces, the Training office or take on
an Assistant Position.
Sergeant First Class (SFC) Minimal time before
next promotion: 2 month Position: Assistant Squad Leader or
Squad Leader All Sergeant First class have leader
qualities, they can give clear instructions and actively
organize activities. This is also the minimal rank
required to be appointed as Squad Leader. To advance
further in rank you must have a leading position in a
Squad and continue to organize events.
E8 Master Sergeant
(MSG) Minimal time before next promotion: 3
month Position: Squad Leader
Master Sergeant is a well training leader of a Squad
who has proven his skills many times. This rank is also
often the step into the Officer academy if other
important command positions are available. To advance
from this rank you have to show dedication to the cause
of the Empire for a long time and without any longer
leave periods.
E9 Sergeant Major (CSM)
Minimal time before next promotion: 3 month
Position: Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge
Sergeant Major is the highest rank a
Non-Commissioned Officer can achieve after a long time
on service. After this rank there are only promotions
possible if you take assignments for one of the Officers
or get Warranted for a special duty (outside of the
normal NCO line duty of the Ground Forces). Note: No alt
character of a Ground Forces member can gain any rank
above this one.
Ground Forces Warrant Ranks
WO1 Warrant Officer
(WO) Minimal time before next promotion: 2
month Position: Special Assignment Warrant
Officer is a special rank given when appointed to
positions outside of the normal NCO line assignments.
This rank can be giving to a ”main“ character in the
ground forces in case the player also has another “main”
character in another division.
WO2 Master Warrant Officer
(MWO) Minimal time before next promotion: 2
month Position: Special Assignment Very
dedicated Warrant Officers may be promoted to Master
Warrant Officer if they have proven themselves in their
assignment and can not join the Officer academy due to
character limitations (one officer per player).
WO3 Chief
Warrant Officer (CWO) Minimal time before next
promotion: 2 month Position: Special Assignment
Dedicated Master Warrant Officers can be promoted to
Chief Warrant Officer Officer if they have proven
themselves in their assignment and can not join the
Officer academy due to character limitations (one
officer per player).
Ground Forces Junior Officer requirements
O1 2nd Lieutenant (2LT)
Minimal time before next promotion: 3 month
Position: Platoon Commander (or in rare cases Platoon XO). It is the duty of the PC to see that all his troopers
are active and productive in ISOC activities. He manages the day to day operations of a Platoon; this includes maintaining
continuous contact with squad Leaders and enlisted members and making all sorts of internal
decisions on Squad positions.
O2 1st Lieutenant (1LT)
Minimal time before next promotion: 3 month
Position: Platoon Commander. It is the duty of the PC to see that all his troopers
are active and productive in ISOC activities. He manages the day to day operations of a Platoon; this includes maintaining
continuous contact with squad Leaders and enlisted members and making all sorts of internal