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  • Operations FAQ

    Table of Content:

    Part 1 - General Information
    • ISOC Divisions
    • Joining the Imperial Special Operations Command
    • Players and Characters
    • Officer on Deck
    • Weekly Guild meetings
    • Pre Combat Inspection and Group Operations
    • In game chat and Roleplay
    Part 2 - Commissioned Officers and Special Assignment
    • Commissioned Officers
    • Supreme Command and Staff officers
    • High Command
    • Commissioned Officers (not part of the High Command)
    • Warrants, Assistant NCO and Civilian special positions:
    Part 3 - Ground Operations Company
    • Ground Ops Company Chain of Command
    • Ground Ops Company Positions
    • Ground Ops Unit Size
    • Ground Forces Enlisted and NCO Rank requirements
    • Ground Forces WARRANT Ranks requirements
    • Ground Forces Junior Officer requirements
    Part 4 - Navy Wing Operations
    • Navy Wing Chain of Command
    • Navy Wing Position
    • Navy Unit Sizes
    • Navy Enlisted and NCO Rank requirements
    • Navy Officer Cadet requirements
    • Navy Junior Officer requirements
    Part 5 - Training and Quartermaster
    • New recruits - Training Program
    • Newly Enlisted personal
    • Enlisted Ranks for personal in Training
    • Quartermaster
    Last updated: June 23th 2010

    The Imperial Special Operations Command (ISOC) is based on the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies released by Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts.
    The home Server of our members is Starsider (2009-2011) (from 2003-2008 Wanderhome).
    Site owned by Ehrich Darby, maintained and updated by Marcus Wulfman and Torlina Ran'hory