Oath of Service
Every member of the Imperial Military is required, upon
enlistment to give the following Oath of Service.
"I, <<state your full name>>, of my own free will,
without promise, coercion, or inducement, after having been duly advised and
warned of the meaning and consequences of this oath, do now enroll in the
Imperial Military for not less than two years and as much longer as may be
required by the needs of the Galactic Empire.
I swear to uphold and defend the Precepts of the Galactic Empire against all
its enemies whether they are internal or external, to protect and defend the
liberties and privileges of all citizens and lawful residents of the Empire,
its associate states and territories, to perform, where ever ordered to do
so, such duties of any lawful nature as may be assigned to me by lawful
direct or delegated authority.
-And to obey all orders of the Supreme Commander and of all officers or
delegated persons placed over me.
-And to require such obedience from all members of the Service or other
persons or non-human beings lawfully placed under my orders.
-And, on being honorably discharged at the completion of my full term of
active service or upon being placed on inactive retired status after having
completed such full term, to carry out all duties and obligations and to
enjoy all privileges of Imperial citizenship including but not limited to
the duty, obligation and privilege of exercising sovereign franchise for the
rest of my natural life unless stripped of my honor by verdict, finally
sustained, of court of my sovereign peers."