Imperial Special Operations Command (ISOC) was formed and founded by
Brigadier-General Ehrich "Skynet" Darby, as a joint-effort between
most service arms of the Imperial Military, specifically Imperial
Intelligence, the Imperial Army and the Imperial Stormtroopers. Subordinate to
the Supreme Commander and his General Staff on an organizational level, ISOC
and its various subordinate units within the command, were to be deployed
operationally under a variety of commanders to conduct a series of missions
and campaigns, sometimes utilizing the tenants of conventional warfare, and
many times .. not.
The Command drew Special Missions and
Reconnaissance soldiers from the Army, Stormtrooper variants from the
Imperial Stormtroopers, and collectors, analysts and spurious characters
from Intelligence. Though Naval support was not assured, the Command managed
to have several pilots 'remustered' into combat arms trades and reassigned,
serving unofficially as legitimate freighter captains who shuttled in
operators unbeknownst to the enemy. Donning whatever equipment and uniforms
were relevant to the mission at hand, operators from ISOC had excellent
success in providing hard support for other Imperial units in the field.
Operators painted targets for the Navy, worked with de-stab security agents
conducting PGOs, (Political Gain Operations) and provided excellent recce,
infil/exfil capability and assaulter support for the Army. However, politics
played with lives once more.
In time the relationship with Intelligence
and its paranoid Ubiqtorate deteriorated, and the Command focused itself on,
for the better part, light infantry operations, and all the subsequent units
dedicated to assisting 'The Bureau' were reassigned or removed all together.
Both Intelligence and the ISB had grown concerned over the lack of ceiling
on the Command, and feared the possibility of losing their operations
capability to a 'foreign entity' within the Empire. None of this compared of
course, to their fear of losing the praise of the Emperor.
ISOC continued on though, albeit some minor
setbacks. As the Command grew with age, and experience, the size increased,
bloating it with numbers and the need for more logistical support. The now
Colonel Darby and his 2IC, Lieutenant-Colonel Barrette, were not only bogged
down fanning the fires of political in-fighting, but were now regulated to
handle more and more logistical and administrative duties. In order to keep
the Command together, the subordinate units, previously known as Special
Operations Groups (SOG), were redeployed and given more operational and
organizational independence, as well as increased fire support from the
Army, to handle hostile forces threatening the Throne. The lessened burden
on command improved, and the increase in firepower and maneuvering ability
made the subordinate units less reliant on friendly formations.
As the war with the 'Rebel Alliance'
escalated, the Imperial Starfighter Corps began providing direct support to
the Command. Wherein it always was providing support, specifically to ground
operations, the newly attached squadrons would now actively seek and destroy
targets in space, as well as continuing the fight above the planet surface
when ground operators could no longer do so.
Two years ago the Command increased the operations against the Rebellion and with this
Lord Vader himself recognized the importance of the Command by promoting the Commander Ehrich Darby
to Brigadier-General as well Lieutenant- Colonel Allabastar Barrette and Chief of Staff Lieutenant
Colonel Windew Monobi to the rank of Colonel.
With the beginning of Operation Starsider the Special Ops Command saw some operational changes.
Brigadier General Ehrich Darby called several Officers into his Staff assigned to classified Operations based on Coruscant.
Major Wulfman was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel and appointed as Chief of Operation, leading ISOC
on Corellia in Operation Starsider. The Navy Wing CO Commander Torlina Ran'hory was also appointed as Adjutant and Captain Boorusk Fel
was put in charge of the Ground Ops Company.
Many Troopers and Officers paid with their life in the fight for law and order. Captain Fel was eventually promoted to Major and after a while replaced by Major Sharr as the Ground Ops CO.
Some time after the great victory at Hoth (where ISOC took part in the invasion) the ISOC forces were called to the Forest moon of Endor. Here the ISOC Navy and Ground Ops would make their last stand.