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  • Ground Operations Equipment

    Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bike

    Purpose: reconnaissance and patrol duties
    Performance: Speed: Better
    Acceleration: Better
    Climb: Best
    Turn: Better
    Troopers Carries 1 person
    Comments: Typically used by Scout Units

    Advanced STAP-1

    Purpose: reconnaissance and patrol duties
    Performance: Speed: Better
    Acceleration: Better
    Climb: Good
    Turn: Better
    Troopers Carries 1 person
    Comments: Originally used by the Trade Federation it is also used by ISOC Troops.

    Aratech BARC Speeder

    Purpose: specialized Bike for highly dangerous Recon missions
    Performance: Speed: Best
    Acceleration: Best
    Climb: Best
    Turn: Better
    Troopers Carries 1 person
    Comments: Typically used by Commandos or by Officers as Command BARC

    V-35 SoroSuub Carrier

    Purpose: Small Transport Vehicle, sometimes used by Imperial Squads
    Performance: Speed: Good
    Acceleration: Good
    Climb: Good
    Turn: Good
    Troopers Carries 7 people
    Comments: The V-35 landspeeder is characterized by its angular nose, raised array of repulsorlift thrusters, and large barrel-shaped power plant.

    AT-RT All Terrain Recon Transport

    Purpose: lightly armored reconnaissance vehicle
    Performance: Speed: Best
    Acceleration: Best
    Climb: Best
    Turn: Better
    Troopers Carries 1 person
    Comments: Manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards during the height of the Clone Wars, it has since been replaced by the All Terrain Scout Transport in most Imperial Operations.

    AT-ST All Terrain Scout Transport

    Purpose: Serves as a reconnaisance and patrol vehicle, often flanking AT-ATs
    Performance: Speed: Better
    Acceleration: Better
    Climb: Better
    Turn: Better
    Troopers Carries 2 people
    Comments: Lightly armed with chin-mounted laser cannons, and side-mounted weapon pods.

    *Speed parameters are rated in Fair, Good, Better and Best

    ISOC Ground Ops typically do not use AT-AT's which are used by the Imperial Army.
    Join the Imperial Special Operations Command now !

    The Imperial Special Operations Command (ISOC) is based on the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies released by Sony Online Entertainment and LucasArts.
    The home Server of our members is Starsider (2009-2011) (from 2003-2008 Wanderhome).
    Site owned by Ehrich Darby, maintained and updated by Marcus Wulfman and Torlina Ran'hory